
Central hub for Baltic, C.I.S. and Nordic markets

Logistika Pluss Ltd is one of the largest warehouse keeper in Estonia, offering a range of different logistic services for international industrial and electronics groups, manufacturers and importers of food products and basic commodities.

The main services include receipt and storage of goods, picking and packing of orders and transport services anywhere in Estonia, plus giving the products an added value. We also offer excise warehouse, customs warehouse and customs terminal services and customs agent services. Our production sector clients are welcome to assembly, quality control and packaging services. If appropriate, client's system can be linked to our accounting and administration software.

Main services

Value added services Receipt of goods, inspection of quantities and quality
Placing goods on pallets, if appropriate
Recording the goods
Storing the goods. Apart standard shelves we also use sundry shelves for smaller items and quantities.
Picking and packing the goods according to the client's orders. It is possible to pick and pack to include single items.
Printing invoices on behalf of our clients
Dispatching the goods